Thursday, September 23, 2010

I hate Greek yogurt

It seems like Greek yogurt is everywhere these days and it is always presented as this great, super healthy, completely delicious treat that we should all be eating. So I decided I would try it. . . I hated it from the very first bite. I honestly thought I was eating super thick sour cream. When I shared my dislike, I was assured by my health conscience friends, that I just picked the wrong brand. "Eat Brown Cow," they said, "Or Aekos." Off to HEB I went determined to like Greek yogurt. I bought three different kinds, thinking that surely one would be good. WRONG!! All three tasted like NASTY!! So this is my new theory, it is all a lie. Like when one of your friends gets really skinny really fast and she says she just started drinking a bunch of water. Or when you see someone wearing really cute pointy toed shoes and she says they are totally comfortable. (You know who you are.) We don't lie on purpose, we lie to be healthy and pretty. It is just part of being a girl, but let's face it junk food always tastes better and high heals will never be like my favorite pair of flip flops.

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