Friday, April 16, 2010

More to come. . .

So apparently my blog actually has readers. This is a shout out to those of you diligently check my blog only to find pics from January. Forgive me. I have every intention of blogging and then I look to my left and there is my dirty dark hard wood floors and I think to myself. I should not blog I should clean and then cleaning leads to more cleaning and well you have all been there. Or I sit down to blog and my computer is having some kind of connectivity issue. Lately it can see the network, but does not want to get on the network. Why? Who knows? This means I cannot get to pics or the Internet or whatever. Today I sat down to blog, actually to finish and publish a post I am working on only to hear a scream from upstairs and have Cam running down the stairs with blood streaming from her mouth. Her sister yelling, "it was an accident." Anyway, the point, there is more to come, but in the meantime the life that I am supposedly blogging about keeps getting in the way.


Tawna Wagley said...

Ha! Tracy got to you! :)

dannyhaley said...

Love all your recent posts. I was SO happy you called, it's great to catch up with you. Happy blogging.

Jen said...

Glad you are blogging again...but you left us hanging. What happened!?