Monday, January 25, 2010

Ugly Pancakes

The kids were sick all week so I was really looking forward to the weekend. In retrospect I am not sure why because really it was more of the same, kids around, cleaning, cooking, fighting, I mean sisterly communication. Good times really. We actually had some beautiful weather and it was nice to get out and so some yard work. Well the yard work was not so fun, but getting our was great. The Hub spent most of the day fishing and working on the community soccer fields and the kids and I cleaned and watched a lot of HGTV. Sunday was also pretty low key. We have started a tradition of having breakfast food for dinner on Sunday. So this Sunday I decided to whip up some Pioneer Woman Sour Cream Pancakes. You can check out her blog here. My good friend is a long time stalker of this blog and gave me the cookbook for Christmas. I have made a few meals from it and it is all FABULOUS. In the effort to tastiness ratio the food is well worth the effort. The only problem is that the batter is so think that I had a hard time flipping the pancakes, so they were really ugly. But paired with some fresh strawberries and sausage they were a great end to a lazy weekend.

1 comment:

Taggart Family said...

I so love PW! I love her cinnamon rolls and cajun chicken pasta and everything else I've tried! Um, all my kids get for breakfast is cold cereal...