Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Parable of the Pressure Washer

Labor Day weekend the hub decided that we needed to seal the flagstone around the pool. We had several soccer games scheduled and not a lot of time to do much else, so it seemed like a great idea. After a few trips to Home Depot, he set out to get it done. Then he discovered the dirt and grime on the rock and decided he better pressure wash first. No sooner does he finish pressure washing then the Texas skies open up and it starts pouring. Needless to say, the flagstone sealing was delayed. The pressure washer abondoned and left in the middle of the patio. Days pass and the pressure washer stays in the middle of the patio. Weeks pass. The flagstone has now been sealed and the pressure washer, along with all of the sealing supplies is still in the middle of the patio. Almost a month has gone by and still the pressure washer is sitting out. Now I know what you are thinking. . .if it bothered you that much why didn't you just put it away? I guess the simplest answer is that I am beyond tired of cleaning up after everyone else's projects, meals, parties, school work, work work, shaving messes, shampoo fights, clothing dilemnas, the list goes on. I am done.

After a few weeks of taking a stance that no one seemed to notice, (Expect maybe the pool guy because the stupid thing was in his way) I decided to ask the hub to put it away. He appeared to hear me and yet the washer stayed and stayed. I am suddenly reminded of an old episode of Everybody loves Raymond where a suitcase sits on the stairs and bugs the wife, but appears invisible to Ray. At the end of the episode she has finally reached her breaking point and puts it away. This weekend I had gotten to that point. I had decided to get over myself and just put the stupid thing away, and then Saturday morning. . .the hub smiles and me and says, "Well since it's your birthday." and just like that puts the pressure washer away in the shed.

SO what is the lesson? I know I should have just sucked it up and put it away. I know I was being selfish and petty. But I guess the take away that I really want to believe. is that maybe if I wait long enough, eventually someone else will put the stuff away. (oh come on, I can dream, can't I?)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's My Birthday

Today is my birthday. So I decided to post a list of things you may not know about me:
  • I am the youngest, I only have one sister
  • I was born in Indiana while my dad was in graduate school. I had a baby in the same hospital I was born in almost 30 years later.
  • I grew up in Northern California, East of San Fransisco in a town called Lafayette.
  • When I was in elementary school I loved crazy socks, school, stationary stores, stickers, music, and Shawn Cassidy. (Minus Shawn Cassidy, I still love most of those things especially music and office supplies.)
  • In high school I was in mock trial and spent most of my childhood wanting to be a lawyer. It was the age of LA law and many of my friend's successful parents were lawyers.
  • Met the hub when I was a junior in high school and literally fell in love at first sight. He was not so smitten with me, however, he had a girlfriend for several years.
  • I went to BYU and for the most part loved college.
  • I have 3 daughters, none of them really look like me, but they have my hair and my big feet.
  • I love all homemade cookies, shopping at target, looking through the Restoration Hardware catalog, reading, and texting (not while driving).
  • I started teaching again this year. I love it.
  • I love music and have a minor addiction to itunes.
  • I know way too much about what to do in a medical crisis and how to plan a funeral.
  • I am shorter than you think I am. It's the hair, the loud personality, and the wedge flip flops.
  • I am lucky to have great friends in several states and all of you in one way or another have helped to make today a great day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I hate Greek yogurt

It seems like Greek yogurt is everywhere these days and it is always presented as this great, super healthy, completely delicious treat that we should all be eating. So I decided I would try it. . . I hated it from the very first bite. I honestly thought I was eating super thick sour cream. When I shared my dislike, I was assured by my health conscience friends, that I just picked the wrong brand. "Eat Brown Cow," they said, "Or Aekos." Off to HEB I went determined to like Greek yogurt. I bought three different kinds, thinking that surely one would be good. WRONG!! All three tasted like NASTY!! So this is my new theory, it is all a lie. Like when one of your friends gets really skinny really fast and she says she just started drinking a bunch of water. Or when you see someone wearing really cute pointy toed shoes and she says they are totally comfortable. (You know who you are.) We don't lie on purpose, we lie to be healthy and pretty. It is just part of being a girl, but let's face it junk food always tastes better and high heals will never be like my favorite pair of flip flops.